– Sold OutBasil, ocimum basilicum, is an aromatic plant native to india where it symbolizes the hindu...
– Sold OutSassafras root also known as sassafras albidum obtained from a tree native to north america.Used...
– Sold OutExploring how to reconnect with the archetypal male ideal and develop the different sides of...
– Sold OutGinger root or zingiber officinale a tropical plant native to asia.Long history of use in...
– Sold OutSarsaparilla, salparilla, cerrajuda or sarsaparilla, is a plant that is traditionally used in popular medicine...
– Sold OutCommonly called calendula or daisy, it is a genus of between 12 to 20 species...
– Sold OutWhite ceramic 9" mortar and pestle.White ceramic with a glazed outside to give it a...
– Sold OutWhite ceramic 7" mortar and pestle.White ceramic with a glazed outside to give it a...
– Sold OutWhite ceramic 5" mortar and pestle.White ceramic with a glazed outside to give it a...
– Sold OutAlso known as the plant of happiness; it is an herb with numerous properties.It is...
– Sold OutThis tree is from mexico and when the spanish settlers realized its properties they called...
– Sold OutIn this book, emma farrell explains how to take your connection and relationship with nature...
– Sold OutCascara sagrada bark, also known as rhamnus purshiana and originated in the united states.This is...
– Sold OutAnnatto seed also known as bix orellana.Annatto seed is referred to as "poor man's saffron"...
– Sold OutA simple tool for all your loose grinding needs.Simply add herbs to the base, replace...
– Sold OutAnise, chinese star anise or badian (illicium verum) is a spice native to china and...
– Sold OutIt is generally called also; bearberry, topesquite, among others.This fruit, which is of mexican origin.Its...
– Sold OutCatnip also known as nepeta cataria or catmint originally from the united states.Catnip is a...
– Sold OutThe mortar of this soapstone mortar and pestle set has been sculpted into the shape...
– Sold OutThis mortar & pestle is carved from solid soapstone (colors vary) to lend a sturdiness...
This smaller sized mortar & pestle set is made of carved soapstone, beautiful yet highly...
– Sold OutWintergreen or also known as gaultheris procumbens.A popular herb used medicinally in a variety of...
A simple tool for all your loose grinding needs.Simply add herbs to the base, replace...
Devil's club root bark also known as oplopanax horridus, is part of the ginseng family.Used...
Presenting a practical guide to the sacred herbs and trees of samhain, ellen evert hopman...
– Sold OutThis beautiful and highly polished mortar & pestle set may come in various striated patterns...
– Sold OutSassafras root also known as sassafras albidum obtained from a tree native to north america.Used...
Devil's club root bark also known as oplopanax horridus, is part of the ginseng family.Used...
Turmeric root also known as curcuma longa, originating in india.Related to ginger and used for...
– Sold OutRepresentative of rebirth, change, and creation, the cast iron cauldron mortal and pestle set also...
– Sold OutMugwort also known as artemisia vulgaris or sailor's tobacco, cronewort, felon herb, and old uncle...
Ginger root or zingiber officinale a tropical plant native to asia.Long history of use in...
Horehound or marrubium vulgare also known as white horehound, originating in europe.Used for centuries to...
Nettle leaf also known as urtica dioica or stinging nettle, originating in easter europe.Nettle is...
– Sold OutGreen marble mortar and pestle set.Beautiful rich colors make this a unique piece.
Eucalyptus also known as eucalyptus globulus, blue gum or australian fever tree, originating in india.Used...
Arabic gum powder known also as meska or acacia gum.Native to a tree in africa...
Juniper berries or juniperus communis, originating in europe.Mentioned in egyptian writings and found in king...
– Sold OutMade out of soapstone, this mortar and pestle set features two triple moon designs with...
A simple tool for all your loose grinding needs.Simply add herbs to the base, replace...
Activated charcoal is a fine, ordorless powder with a wide range of medicinal and cosmetic...
– Sold OutPerfect cast iron mortor and pestle set.Solid iron and measuring 3.50" across the top and...
Linden flower or tilia argentum originated in europe.Legends has it that this herb offers protection...
Offering more than 800 treatments, tinctures, tonics, and teas, all using easy-to-find herbs and featuring...
Lemon verbena or aloysia triphylla and also known as vervain, or lemon bee bush.Popular in...
Eleutherococcus root powder also known as eleutherococcus senticosus or devil's bush a shrub found in...
– Sold OutDecorated with the brass inlay of a pentagram, this wooden herb grinder is the perfect...
– Sold OutCarved out of sturdy mango wood, this mortar and pestle set has been emblazoned with...