Oak Moss Oil 2 Dram
Blended of assorted pure oils, our oak moss oil possesses many of the same properties and powers as the plant from which inspiration was drawn.With a fragrance that reminds one somewhat of bark, it is fantastic in spells involving woodlands, nature, or elemental earth.In this way, it is great when used to aid in spells and rituals of healing and calming.Traditionally, when used to help magic such as this it is best to consider it as you would a tree; slow growing, but powerful and strong once it has grown beyond a sapling.When seeking to draw upon or represent the properties of astrological signs, oakmoss oil can also be useful when seeking to represent the signs of taurus, cancer and scorpio.It is also commonly used during the celebration of mabon, both as a diffused oil and as an anointing oil.This is a 2 dram bottle of pure anointing oil, for external use only.Made in usa.